Welcome to our site! If you own a Russian Dwarf Hamster or are considering buying one, we've got all the information you need. Check out the articles to the right to learn how to do everything from feeding Russian Dwarf Hamsters to breeding Russian Dwarf Hamsters -- and everything in between!

What's the Difference Between a Russian Dwarf Hamster and a Chinese Dwarf Hamster?

Russian Dwarf Hamsters Vs Chinese Dwarf Hamsters
By George Grayson

Russian and Chinese dwarf hamsters have been battling for ages. O.K. not really, but a battle of sorts has been happening. For a long time, pet owners have been battling with the decision between owning Russian dwarf hamsters or Chinese dwarf hamsters. I myself love both so much I would never be able to choose one over the other. In this article I'll go over both kinds hamsters and a few of their differences and similarities.

The most noticeable difference between these two kinds of hamsters is appearance. Sure they are both very cute and very small, but they also look very different. The Chinese dwarf hamster looks more mouse-like than other hamsters. He actually has a tiny tail (about an inch long). He's also more slender than the Russian dwarf hamster, who sometimes looks more like a small hamster-ball. They're both around the same size, about four inches long, although there are species of Russian hamsters that are much smaller (the Robo Russian dwarf hamster only grows to about two inches long).

One of my favorite parts about both Russian and Chinese hamsters are their fur patterns. They both have oh-so-magnificent colors and patterns, but they are very different from each other. The Chinese hamster usually has a black line that runs down his spine and a belly that is white. Other Chinese hamsters have spots of color distributed across their backs. Russian dwarf hamsters, on the other hand, come in a whole slew of colors and patterns. This is because they've been bred specifically as beautiful pets for many generations. They range in colors from white to sandy brown to dark grey and have a number of different patterns that also including a dominant stripe down the back similar to that of the Chinese hamster.

Not only do Russian dwarf hamsters differ in appearance from Chinese dwarf hamsters, they also have a great difference in behavior as well. One major difference between the two is that Russian dwarf hamsters are more social while Chinese hamsters are sometimes a bit anti social and have trouble with their roommates (especially the females!). But although they may be a bit less social, the Chinese hamsters are also less problematic in that you shouldn't have to worry about them nipping at you. This is something that the Russian dwarf hamsters tend to do more.

As you can see, Chinese dwarf hamsters and Russian dwarf hamsters are both very similar and very different at the same time. They are both great pets to own and I would suggest you give them both a chance (although Chinese hamsters are harder to find so you might have your decision made for you).

George Grayson is an author and dwarf hamster enthusiast. To learn more about Russian dwarf hamsters or Chinese hamsters, visit http://www.dwarfhamstercare101.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Grayson


Dwarf Hamster Illnesses

Dwarf Hamster Info - Common Dwarf Hamster Illnesses
By Jim Renfro

Although you may think that owning a Dwarf hamster will be easy, then you need to think again. If you don't provide them with the right sort of living environment, food and water they can quickly become unhappy and unhealthy pets. In this article we offer some Dwarf hamster info about the types of health problems these types of animals can suffer from.

1. Abscesses - These will occur in a hamster if they are bitten or scratched by another one. As soon as you see any lumps or notice that they have been bitten or scratched by another take them to your vet. They will be able to check if the area is infected and will then provide some antibiotics to help clear it up or prevent an infection occurring. The other reason for an abscess forming is if they swallow things like a piece of their cage.

2. Allergic Reaction - Although you can use wood shavings in your Dwarf hamsters cage for bedding it should be the kind that is made from cedar or pine. Unfortunately both of these contain oils that are toxic to your hamster. But along with certain types of wood shavings to be avoided there are certain foods that should not be given to Dwarf hamsters. The types of food that cause an allergic reaction including sneezing, skin irritations, runny eyes, loss of fur or other respiratory problems are corn and maize.

3. Colds - What many people do not realize is that it is very easy for Dwarf hamsters to catch colds from us. Therefore if you do find yourself during the winter time with a cold avoid being around your pet at this time. Another way of ensuring that your hamster doesn't have a cold is by keeping their cage in a warm position and ensuring that they never get wet. The way you can tell if your hamster has a cold is just like you they will get a runny nose and will sneeze quite a bit. If they do get a cold and it hasn't cleared after a number of days then immediately seek veterinary help.

4. Torpodity - This is a condition that many hamsters suffer from if they are not able to exercise regularly and which is why there should be a wheel in their cage. As well as your hamster putting on weight they can also become very aggressive.

Above we have provided some Dwarf hamster info with regards to the kinds of health problems that can affect these animals. However, by knowing what can cause these problems you should hopefully be able to avoid them.

Jim Renfro has bred and raised dwarf hamsters for over 10 years. He is an authority on Dwarf Hamsters and has written a free 10 day mini course raising dwarf hamsters here, Dwarf Hamster Care. Do not try to raise your Dwarf Hamster without reading this mini course! Also, go here for more detailed information about Dwarf Hamster Info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Renfro


Dwarf Hamster Cages

Dwarf Hamster Cage - The Right Home For Your Tiny Pet
By Russ Fleederman

You can't imagine the variety of housing options you will find when searching for a dwarf hamster cage, and because there are so many possibilities there are also a lot of things to consider before making a final decision. A few factors to think about are - ease of cleaning, "escape-proof-ness", is it big enough, is it safe? Remember, this will be your pet's home every day, all day, so choose a place he will be comfortable and happy living in. Not every potential house you look at will meet even the minimum requirements.

Here are a few important dwarf hamster cage factors to take into account:

Type of Enclosure

There are a few different styles of enclosure you might consider, including a cage with metal or plastic bars, a regular glass or plastic aquarium (often with a wire mesh top), and modular plastic enclosures that come with climbing tubes and compartments. All of these have unique characteristics, pluses, and minuses.

Side-By-Side Comparison

You will find that the common metal wire cage with a tray-like removable plastic bottom will be the easiest type of cage to keep clean. the plastic house with tubes and compartments can be more difficult to do regular maintenance on. An aquarium is fairly simple to clean, but is also quite heavy and cumbersome. Keeping your hamster cage clean is never easy, but since it is a necessity you will want to choose a house that fits your lifestyle.

Yes But Can He Breathe?

No matter what type of house you pick, there a few basics it must have. First, it needs to be well ventilated so your dwarf hamster can breathe. Obviously, wire is best for this, and the plastic enclosures often do not allow for sufficient air to get inside. Similarly, aquariums often are poorly ventilated, which is why a mesh top is so important. The only downside to the wire cage in this regard is that it may also allow cold drafts to reach your pet, and you will need to guard against these.

Give Them Room

Second, your pet hamster may be a dwarf, but that doesn't mean he wants to live in a tiny, cramped space. He needs room to run, burrow, and play just like his larger cousins, and he also doesn't want to defecate right next to where he eats. So by all means buy him a big enough enclosure... the rule is, the larger you can afford and accommodate, the better, especially if you're going to be housing more than one hamster. Go big or go home!

Security and Safety

Last but not least, you need to ensure that your dwarf hamster can never escape from his cage. If you opt for a wire cage, make certain the bars are no more than 1/4" apart. Believe it or not, a dwarf hamster is able to squeeze between opening much larger than that!. Take a ruler with you to the pet shop and measure the gaps all around any enclosure you are considering, and also check the door. Dwarf hamsters can often open simple closing mechanisms! Also, check any climbing tubes that you plan to buy... if they are too wide, your dwarf hamster may not be able to use them. There are tubes made especially for these smaller varieties of hamster.

We have covered just a few of the basic things you need to think about when shopping for a dwarf hamster cage. Remember, the goal is to provide for a long-term home for your pet that is both safe and comfortable for him, and allows him maximum enjoyment.

Russ Fleederman is a dwarf hamster expert. For more great information on choosing a dwarf hamster cage and a FREE dwarf hamster mini-course, visit http://dwarf-hamster.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russ_Fleederman


Exercise For Your Hamster

Dwarf Hamster Health - Your Hamster Needs Exercise
By Andrew Martin Jr.

Hamsters need exercise just like humans do. Daily exercise is an important part of your hamster's overall health. By exercising daily your hamster will have a reduced risk of becoming obese, developing diabetes, and suffering a heart failure.

A dwarf hamster has a different level of activity than a golden hamster. Syrian hamsters are nocturnal animals. This means that the night time is when they are most active. They will sleep during the day. Dwarf hamsters, on the other hand, are mostly active in the early morning and the early evening, with an occasional nap in between. This means that they are crepuscular.

Many options are available to provide your hamster with adequate amounts of exercise.

The hamster wheel is a popular option for allowing your hamster to get enough exercise. It is quite convenient since your hamster can exercise right inside her own living are. There are several choices for getting a hamster wheel. You can get one made of plastic, or metal, or one that attaches to the side of the cage. Your local pet store should have several varieties available. If you are still not sure which one to choose you can ask one of the pet store employees. They should be able to help you decide which is best for your hamster.

Another great option to provide your hamster with exercise is an exercise ball. They provide your hamster with the freedom to roam around while getting plenty of exercise. All of the large retail pet supply stores will have a large selection of hamster exercise wheels. They are made of plastic and will have holes in them for adequate ventilation. There are also some exercise balls that are mostly for fun and amusement. They come in various shapes and designs.

There some pet owners who will allow their hamster to roam freely around the house without the protection of an exercise ball. Instead, the owner might corner off an area on the floor or a space on a counter top. This is really not a safe thing to do. What is you step on your hamster or knock her off the counter top? Either way she can be seriously or even fatally injured. There are also health concerns from letting your pet run along counters that are used for food preparation. Any carpet you have on the floor can be harmful to your hamster. Most of them will contain chemicals that are harmful to your hamster if she chews the carpet. There are many other household dangers that your hamster can be exposed to if she is allowed to roam around freely. She can ingest paint, chew on wood and many other items around the house. Your safest option would be to use a container that was designed especially to hold a hamster.

Something else you can do to provide your hamster with some exercise is just to handle her. During the times that your hamster is most active you should try and get in some play time. You should not wake her from a nap just to play with her. Hamster are known to be quite miserable if you wake them up and they would rather sleep.

Sit down or lie down and allow your hamster to crawl over your body. This should give her some exercise. You should not let your hamster crawl over your head and shoulders while you are standing. A fall could cause some serious injuries.

Children can also play with a hamster to provide them with exercise. Of course, an adult should supervise the play time.

Andrew Martin is a pet enthusiast and publisher. To find out more information on dwarf hamster health be sure to visit http://www.hamstercareanswers.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Martin_Jr.


Understanding Dwarf Hamster Behavior

Dwarf Hamster Behavior
By Kym Sutherland

Often hamsters have been given a bad reputation for being ill-tempered and quick to bite, but this behavior is usually a result of mishandling or a sudden disturbance. Dwarf Hamsters can easily be held and tamed with a little practice and patience.

When starting this process of taming, use ideal circumstances, when your not in a rush and in the evening when the hamster itself is in a happy playful mood. How do you know when your hamster is in a playful mood?

Luckily dwarf hamsters show communication through their body language and voice signals. Here are some of the basics:

Curious hamster
Running about the cage, digging, climbing sometimes even leaping are signs of a healthy and happy hamster.

Curious with Interest
Hamster will be sitting on it's haunches, relaxed and sniff for periods of time. Front legs about level with belly and it's front toes are point towards the ground

Fearful Hamster
Ears will be tilted back, standing with one or both front feet raised, often hissing or squeaking, this is when hamster is agitated and ready to bite.

Defensive Posture Hamster
Sometimes when frightened hamsters will lie on their back and expose it's belly and display their large incisors and will use them if necessary.

Showing Emotions to other Dwarfs
Body language is used to sign messages to each other, for example young males show another males he's afraid by walking stiffly with his tail raised.

In Unfamiliar territory
Hamster will tend to flatten himself out and slink along as there are no familiar scent markings

Sleeping Hamster
Often buried in the bedding material curled up in a ball

If you hear a hamster talking, it's for an important reason like your hamster feels threatened or is threatening an attack

Scent marking
This is an important activity for them as it marks their territory

Activity cycle
Most activity is nocturnal, with a bit during the day. Seasonal times come into play, shorter days and colder temperatures requires more sleep

Hoarding Hamster
Instinctive behavior to stash food in various locations, preferably hoarding far more than it could ever eat

Hiding Hamster
Natural instinctive burrowers that love to tunnel and keep themselves covered.

Playful Hamster
Running, jumping, leaping are all signs of active playtime activity.

Kym Sutherland is an Author and pet hobbyist who enjoys raising and caring for pets. For more Dwarf Hamster behavior information, go to the website, http://www.DwarfHamsterGuide.com/tips Sign up for the free Dwarf Hamster mini ecourse and see you soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kym_Sutherland


Feeding a Russian Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf Hamster Food and Feeding
By George Grayson

Dwarf hamsters love to eat. They will pretty much eat whatever you put in front of them, regardless of whether or not it's good dwarf hamster food. As a result, you have to be responsible with what you give your dwarf hamster. This is especially true because they are so small. A small drop of food to a dwarf hamster is like a burger to you and me. If you feed them something they shouldn't have, it will do more damage than you might think. You should also be careful to not give them too many sugary treats as this could cause diabetes. So what should you know about feeding a dwarf hamster? Well the basics include knowing how much to feed them, how often to feed them, and what is considered good dwarf hamster food.

Dwarf hamsters are tiny. That is their claim to fame and what makes them so special. So how much do these tiny animals eat? The truth is they don't need much food, but they still need more than you might expect. Because of their high metabolisms, dwarf hamsters eat as much as the larger 'Syrian hamster.' They'll also hoard a lot of food in their nests so even though they may have a lot of food stored in their nest when feeding time comes, you should still give them a fresh supply of dwarf hamster food. Feeding only needs to be done daily. If you're using healthy hamster mix you got from a pet store, two tablespoons a day should be enough (for one dwarf hamster). Remember, these guys are nocturnal so the best time to feed them is in the early evening, when they are just waking up and beginning their day. Other good dwarf hamster foods include pellets, seeds, and dried fruits and vegetables.

Just as important, if not more important, than dwarf hamster food is water. If you're feeding your dwarf hamster through a water bowl, make sure to give him or her fresh water every single day. Also make sure the bowl is sturdy and heavy so that it won't be easily knocked over. If the water bowl is too light and gets knocked over by your hamster, not only would this soak up the floor but if this happens in the middle of the night, your dwarf hamster will end up without any water for the entire night!

The other option for providing water is with a water bottle. By water bottle, I mean one of the pet water bottles that are upside down and allows your hamster to drink through a mouthpiece at the bottom. This is probably the better option because you'll only need to refill the water bottle about once a week and there's no worry that it'll get knocked over. One thing to note with a water bottle though is that the tip should be metal and not plastic. A plastic mouthpiece could be chewed to bits by your dwarf hamster (and we all know how much they like to chew things). This would not only ruin the water bottle but could potentially flood the cage.

How important is food in your life? Well it is just as important in a dwarf hamster's. When feeding your dwarf hamster, it is fine to surprise him with treats occasionally, but don't over do it. These animals are very small and that small 'snack' you think you're giving him could be the equivalent of a tub of ice cream. To give your dwarf hamster a healthy diet, hamster mix is always a good option and it is always good to supplement the dwarf hamster food with fresh greens to give him or her the healthy life he or she deserves.

George Grayson

To learn more about dwarf hamster food and giving your dwarf hamster a happy and healthy life, visit http://www.dwarfhamstercare101.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Grayson


Russian Dwarf Colors

Russian Dwarf Hamster "Jewels" - Fur Coat Colors and Textures
By Kym Sutherland

The Russian hamster is a very tiny creature that is known by a few other big names, such as Siberian Hamster, the Russian winter white or the striped hairy-footed hamster. This dwarf hamster full grown weighs in at 1 to 2 ounces and tends to be about 4 inches in length generally good natured and sociable.

Their basic colors are dark gray, lilac blue or purple gray with a predominately white head. One reason this hamster is also called the Russian winter white is because their coats prominently turn white in response to reduced levels of sunlight. In the wild, where breeding of color is natural, they are commonly dark gray, with a black dorsal strip, prominent white belly and striking black eyes.

Hamster "jewels" colors are obtained when breeding for coat colors and texture of their hair. Sapphire Siberian dwarf hamsters are blue-gray or purple-gray, once again with a dark dorsal strip on it's back, The belly color is ivory with striking black eyes.

The other "jewels" color is Pearl. Their whole coat is pearl - almost all pearl white in color, with black or purple hairs scattered randomly about their coat. On the head and their spine is a bit of color and where there is black hairs on the back one can notice the bit's and pieces of the dorsal stripe and is called the Siberian Pearl.

If your interested in showing off your pet hamsters colors, try contacting your local pet store to find out about local breeders and hamster clubs that facilitate Hamster shows. At most pet shows, the hamster is judged in a class of members of it's own type and sex. Then the categories are split from there into age and coat color. Each hamster is given points for how closely they match the ideal standard, with the condition of it's fur, ears and eyes are all part of the judging. Perhaps you might need to make some room at home for your turn to bring home the trophy!

Kym Sutherland is an Author and pet hobbyist who enjoys raising and caring for pets. For more Russian Dwarf Hamster information, go to the website, http://www.DwarfhamsterGuide.com/tips Sign up for the free mini ecourse and see you soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kym_Sutherland
